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May 18, 2020, 10 tweets

A staff of ours mentioned how he had to correct someone serving food in a restaurant because she kept adjusting her mask while serving. People are wearing face masks but mask hygiene awareness is low.

Please check out these slides & share with friends & family.


Why are masks now compulsory in public? 👇🏾

If you wear a mask and the person next to you wears one as well, everyone is safer. 👇🏾

If you can afford N95 masks or surgical masks and they're available, great! If now, wear a cloth mask. 👇🏾

Regardless of what mask you're wearing, it won't protect you if you don't handle it well. 👇🏾

How you remove your mask and the places you touch on it are very important. 👇🏾

Your eyes are just as vulnerable as your nose and mouth. If you have shades or glasses, wear them alongside your masks. 👇🏾

If you're using a homemade face mask, ensure the material is made out of 100% cotton. 👇🏾

Always wash your cloth face mask after use. Also have more than one so you can always wear a new one whenever you're going out. 👇🏾

Remember: your community is better protected when everyone wears their masks in public and handles them well at all times. 👇🏾

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