People_of_Space: Profile picture

May 20, 2020, 10 tweets

So today, I want to talk about something I do outside of my job at @esa: volunteering for the Austrian Space Forum @oewf! πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ή In this thread I'll talk about what the OeWF is, how I got involved, and the upcoming Mars analog mission '#AMADEE20'. (πŸ“·: OeWF/Voggeneder)

The @oewf is an organisation that conducts Mars analog missions & scientitic research πŸ”΄. The photo in the previous tweet was taken during an analog mission in Oman, 2018. OeWF is based in Innsbruck, Austria πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ή & is primarily volunteer-lead.… (πŸ“·: OeWF)

I first got involved with the @oewf last year in June, when I attended the AMBT ('Analog Mission Basic Training') course in Innsbruck, Austria (in what was an incredibly sunny week! β˜€οΈπŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ή) (πŸ“·: OeWF/Jorge Redondo)…

The next @oewf mission is #AMADEE20, which will be conducted in cooperation with the Israel Space Agency & D-MARS @DMarsAnalog in the Negev Desert πŸ”΄. It will be 4 weeks long, & 6 analog astronauts in spacesuit simulators will emulate aspects of a human mission to Mars (πŸ“·: OeWF)

More abt #AMADEE20 here:…. As part of this mission, various science experiments will be conducted (16!) & the analog astronauts will be supported by a Mission Support Centre in πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ή which includes science support & 'Flight Planning'. (πŸ“·: OeWF/Voggeneder)

As you can imagine, all this takes a lot of planning!! So since summer last yr, I've volunteered for the Flight Planning team as coordinator for a suite of @oewf geoscience experiments known as 'GEOS'. These include mapping πŸ—ΊοΈ, sampling πŸ”¨, & searching for micrometeorites β˜„οΈ.

This role includes liaising with the PIs for the experiment + producing a 'SEIF' (Standard Experiment Information Form) πŸ“„ which feeds into the development of experiment procedures. Based on this for each experiment, the Flight Planning team then produces the 'Mission Plan' which

is a rough schedule developed prior to the mission. We have monthly telecons πŸ–₯️ as a team to provide feedback for our respective experiments, & to manage this Mission Plan πŸ“„. If you want to know more about the science side of things, see linked tweet πŸ˜„

Prior to the mission, there are normally 3 in-person dress rehearsals (TBD given pandemic & ongoing travel situation). But on the 21st-24th of May, we will have a Virtual Science Experiment Review 🌌 & things are very much moving forward for the mission πŸ˜„

Want to keep up to date with all this? I'd recommend following @oewf & looking at this list:…. So tldr; the Austrian Space Forum (OeWF) conducts Mars analog missions, I volunteer as a 'Flight Planner', & the next mission is #AMADEE20! (πŸ“·: OeWF/Voggeneder)

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