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A place for current & aspiring scholars of @bts_twt to connect, inspire, & grow together. Apologies for the typos. #BTSARMY 💜 RTs ≠ endorsements.

May 22, 2020, 9 tweets

"Daechwita is Korean traditional marching band music. During the Joseon Dynasty, a royal military marching band was called 'chwitadae', & their music was called 'chwita'. The
'chwita' music was used to inspire the military." - Gunyong Lee


If you want to know more about Daechwita I will post a thread of the information found in "AN INTRODUCTION TO TENOR TROMBONE SOLOS BY KOREAN COMPOSERS" by Guyong Lee



I apologize from the first tweet not being fully nicely organized. I am shaking for #AGUSTD2.

The album is so good!! Make sure to stream!! 💜💜


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