Sheila Vakharia PhD MSW Profile picture
Opinions Mine | Deputy Director at @DrugPolicyNerds |@DrugPolicyOrg | Author 'The Harm Reduction Gap' | Order:

May 22, 2020, 8 tweets

Thanks for the nomination, @kwardvancouver! Today is Day 1 of 7 for the #PhotosOfMyLife challenge. No description, just photos.

Day 2 of 7 #PhotosOfMyLife:

Day 3 of 7 #PhotosOfMyLife

Day 4 of 7 #PhotosOfMyLife

(I know I’m not supposed to comment but those are my 2 cats- Nunu and Nova.)

Day 5 of 7 #PhotosOfMyLife

Day 6 of 7 #PhotosOfMyLife

Day 7 of 7 #PhotosOfMyLife

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