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May 23, 2020, 18 tweets


#PromareNight the opening action sequence of Promare blows me away every time. The colours are gorgeous 💕

#PromareNight love the prison escape. Mad burnish are so cool. #BurnishRights 🔥

#PromareNight heehee cute

#PromareNight lios so caring and galos so understanding. Lol down with kray #notmygovernor

#PromareNight I’m watching the dub (since I’ve watch it twice in jp and only once in English before) such a solid dub it’s great to hear how the delivery of lines are matched at points especially for some Galo and lucia lines

#PromareNight MAHARI YUWARE INTENSIFIES . The volcano blast animation is always cool

#PromareNight everyone’s favorite exposition scene

#PromareNight the promare are just vibing

#PromareNight love when he puffs cheeks

#PromareNight his proportions just get KRAzY haha it’s great

#PromareNight yeehaw

#PromareNight ❤️🔥🚒

Haha looks like they’re gonna eat the plush in the second pic

#PromareNight happy 1st anniversary promare! 😭❤️

Thanks @AnimeLab and @Madman !!! So happy to watch Promare again! 🔥🚒❤️

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