Tim Dunn Profile picture
Historian, geographer, team #Railway200. Presenter @UKTV #TheArchitectureTheRailwaysBuilt & #SecretsOfTheLondonUnderground, Trainspotter &🏳️‍🌈. Own views, obv

May 26, 2020, 6 tweets

Architecture fans! A taster of #RailwayArchitecture variety on @YesterdayTweets TV tonight at 8pm to enjoy:
🏘️🏡Amersham Sun Houses & Metro-Land homes
🏠🚇Watford station (1925)
🚉🪱Great Malvern & "Worm" (Elmslie 1862)
🏢🏗️Barking Riverside station @LDNOverground (2021)

The Sun Houses are built on the land leading up to the famous "High & Over" at Amersham... I always felt they could have been the inspiration for Osbert Lancaster's "20th Century Functional" house cartoons... (2/6)

We also meet my parents (!) to see their happy little Metro-Land homes from their 1950s suburbia childhoods. This whole area of London really *was* enabled by the Metropolitan Railway. David Bownes @C20thPosters is on hand to guide us: a taller, cleverer version of me, dammit🤔

There's a GREAT piece on Great Malvern station tonight. Run by @WestMidRailway these days, it's a GEM. The team at @WorcsCRP Community Rail Partnership work hard to keep it looking great, and we get special access inside the "WORM" - I know of interest to @RailwayHeritage! (4/6)

Then there's a fab journey aboard the Glacier Express through Switzerland to see some of the viaducts and civil engineering like the Landwasser and Brusio spiral viaducts. Terrific aerial shots on this bit! (5/6)

And finally super-thanks to @TfL @LDNOverground team for taking us to the site of Barking Riverside (and indeed a whole new community) only made possible by the railway coming. Thanks everyone @brownbobprod, contributors, @UKTV & co-conspirators for making this episode such fun!

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