Priyanka Deo Profile picture
Host of 'The Indian Abroad' @ndtv @NDTVWORLD Director & Professor. All posts are my personal views

May 29, 2020, 5 tweets

FM @nsitharaman elaborated details of the #AtmanirbharBharatAbhiyan economic stimulus package aimed to revive the Indian 🇮🇳 economy from the hit it has taken from COVID-19.

The 1st part works to revive land, labour, liquidity & laws with the aim of making India self-reliant.

The 2nd part of the #AtmanirbharBharatAbhiyan stimulus package focused on
migrant workers⛏️
street vendors♨️
self-employed people👩‍💻
small farmers🧑‍🌾

The 3rd part of the #AtmanirbharBharatAbhiyan economic stimulus package focused on agricultural reforms including:
•Farm Infrastructure🚜
•Animal Husbandry🐟
•Food Processing🍲
•Governance Reforms🇮🇳
@nsitharaman @FinMinIndia

The 4th part of the #AtmanirbharBharatAbhiyan economic stimulus package focused on sectors including:
•Airspace Management✈️
•Atomic Energy⚛️

The 5th and final part of the #AtmanirbharBharatAbhiyan economic stimulus package focused on sectors including:
•Ease of Doing Business💵
•Public Sector📢

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