kim yi dionne ( Profile picture
Teach/research/write African politics & pandemics. Author, Doomed Interventions. Editor in Chief, @goodauth. Host, @UfahamuAfrica.

May 29, 2020, 15 tweets

Together w/@texasinafrica, I'm excited to share with you the many great books on African politics that we'll be reading as part of the 7th annual @monkeycageblog African Politics Summer Reading Spectacular (#APSRS20):…

Our first book in #APSRS20 will be featured next week and is @BeattyRiedl and @GManMac's From Pews to Politics: Religious Sermons and Political Participation in Africa, published by @CUP_PoliSci…

Following that, we'll have a review of the timely and important new book by @SimuChigudu, also published by @CUP_PoliSci: The Political Life of an Epidemic
Cholera, Crisis and Citizenship in Zimbabwe… #APSRS20

Don't miss our week featuring two great new books on politics drawing on research in #Ghana by early career political scientists @noahlnathan and @JWPaller:… and…

In #APSRS20 we'll review a significant collaborative volume edited by @KristofTiteca and @tomdeherdt: Negotiating Public Services in the Congo: State, Society and Governance…

We know folks tend to focus on presidential politics in Africa, which is why we're excited to devote a week to legislatures by reviewing @kopalo's @CUP_PoliSci book, Legislative Development in Africa: Politics and Postcolonial Legacies… #APSRS20

The African Politics Summer Reading Spectacular has featured fiction in some of our earlier series -- and we're bringing that back this year with @MaazaMengiste's novel, The Shadow King:… #APSRS20

With the major events transpiring in Cameroonian politics, we thought it important to include Jacqueline-Bethel Mougoué's @UofMPress book Gender, Separatist Politics, and Embodied Nationalism in Cameroon:… #APSRS20

Following that, we'll review Alexis Malefakis's @ZedBooks book, Tanzania’s Informal Economy: The Micro-Politics of Street Vending… #APSRS20

We'll have a week devoted to new books drawing on research in Kenya, by @MaiOHassan, @KathleenKlaus, and Bram Jansen:……… #APSRS20

We are lucky that each year we have multiple great titles to choose from @OhioUnivPress's Short History of Africa series and this year we chose @NwandoAchebe's Female Monarchs and Merchant Queens in Africa… #APSRS20

We don't limit our books to those written by academics because we know there's great work being done beyond the academy, and this year we include @rcoreyb's important @ZedBooks book, Love Falls on Us: A Story of American Ideas and African LGBT Lives…

So much has transpired recently in international justice that we're grateful that by summer's end, we will be able to share a review of @OumarKBa's forthcoming @CUP_PoliSci book, States of Justice: The Politics of the International Criminal Court… #APSRS20

Last but not least in #APSRS20 is a book that we expect will change how many of us think about China in Africa -- @LBenabdallah's forthcoming @UofMPress book, Shaping the Future of Power: Knowledge Production and Network-Building in China-Africa Relations

Follow @monkeycageblog every Friday to read the reviews. In case you miss a Friday, we're going to have recordings of the reviews shared on the @UfahamuAfrica podcast every Monday. Read along with us and use #APSRS20 to join the conversation.

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