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Reporter covering Brooklyn for @THECITYNY. Past lives at @wnyc/ @gothamist, DNAinfo NY. @newmarkjschool alum - DMs open. Email:

May 31, 2020, 11 tweets

Day 4: marchers made their way from union square now passing McCarren Park, vibe is peaceful, place chooses overhead, but few NYPD here

Vibe is peaceful, mostly white, people looking on from balconies and roofs of nice Williamsburg condos cheer in support.

Still peaceful moving south through south Williamsburg, many people I’ve talked to said they joined the march when they saw people passing by whereever they were. Many said this was first March they’ve been at this week.

Omar Yusuf’s mood is exhubetant, he’s encouraging drives to honk their horns, but the reason he’s here is horrifying. Two days ago, he says, a police officer pointed a gun at him when he was trying to film a police encounter.

And NYPD have arrived, marchers demanding to be let through along Bedford.

Chants of peaceful protest erupt, and soon Line or NYPD clear the way.

And they’ve taken Atlantic Avenue nearing Barclays, this guy is playing Les Miserables from his loud speaker.

Another police blockade, more chants of peaceful protest. NYPD officers clear the way, and at Barclays now, adding hundreds to the numbers already there.

Hundreds have arrived at Barclays now, some from as far as Union Square they’re met by one guy who is tossing them bottles of water.

Hundreds, if not more, have now converged here at Barclays. #NYCPROTEST

.@JumaaneWilliams addresses the crowd in the center of Barclays Center crowd, he says he’s asking the mayor to tell the NYPD to let people through.

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