Manisha Pande Profile picture
Managing Editor at @newslaundry || Doer of TV Newsance, weekly show on all the insanity that passes off as news on Indian TV

Jun 2, 2020, 13 tweets

#NLprimetime begins. Where we watch the news so you don't have to. On India Today, we're discussing #IndoChinaFaceoff.

Ticker asks: 'Tense Situation or All Is well?'

Read this piece, may help out a bit ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿพโ€ฆ

In the current face-off, the Chinese appear to have intruded into the disputed areaโ  โ€” in some instances right up to their claim line โ โ€” and set up semi-permanent structures.

From @elmihiro's piece ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿพ

On Times Now, RSS is talking about the Delhi riots. Some expose about Tahir Hussain. I am sure it's not worth your time. #NLprimetime

On the case of Ankit Sharma's murder, here's a detailed report you should read instead. #NLprimetimeโ€ฆ

Honestly don't know how anchors like RSS can continue to command primetime space but then it's Times Now.

Here's his intervention on Nepal from last week ๐Ÿ™„ #NLprimetime

The 8 pm news on News Nation and TV 9 should be renamed Kim Ke Kisse. Both these channels are OBSESSED with the dear leader.

Here News Nation is talking about some lady killer. #NLprimetime

Heh. Republic talking about the most powerful visuals from #GeorgeFloyd protests.

Below the ticker says #RiotPlotExposed using which the channel will tarnish anti-CAA/NRC protestors at Shaheen Bagh. #NLprimetime.

Indian pro-establishment news channels are truly the pits. They aren't just pro-establishment but anti-people.

Republic et al are again smearing protestors at #ShaheenBagh tonight. I switched to Fox News & it almost felt like I was watching NDTV. #NLprimetime

Experts ๐Ÿ™„

Ravish Kumar talking about protests in the US and how despite the crackdown, people retain the right to free speech. Unlike in India. Eg, student activists arrests. #NLprimetime

Ok, ending the primetime with this excellent piece from @ShubhangaP โ€” Watching Indian news in Kathmandu.

Among other things, the piece explains how Indian TV news has played a role in the decay of Indiaโ€™s soft power in the region.โ€ฆ

Also, this. I won't be surprised if this actually makes it to the news. On that note, see you next week on #NLprimetime

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