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I talk for a living 🎙 | Home News Correspondent for @SkyNews | 📧 Email rachael.venables@sky.uk.

Jun 3, 2020, 8 tweets

There’s easily hundreds of people already heading into Hyde Park for the start of the #BLMLDN protest this afternoon. Many carrying Black Lives Matter signs and placards @LBC

Chants of “George Floyd!” and “Belly Mujinga!” ringing out from Hyde Park now. Belly was the ticket collector who died of Covid-19 after someone spat in her face. #BLMLDN

This campaigner’s urging protesters to space out, and respect social distancing. @LBC

Look at the incredible turnout already at the #BlackLivesMattter protest in London this afternoon. Hard to guess at numbers but hundreds still pouring in. Most wearing masks and trying to stay apart, but that is almost impossible. @LBC

“Find your humanity and breathe, breathe for George.” #BLMLDN

Now the crowd are on the move, thousands of them leaving Hyde Park - blocking traffic. Screams of “No Justice, No Peace” as they go #BLMLDN @LBC

Jay’s on the #BLMLDN protest, she says what happened to George Floyd “was a lynching.”

Earlier I asked another protester whether he was scared of the virus in these crowds. He told me “racism is the real virus, I’m more scared of that, and it’s been going on way longer.” @LBC

Traffic’s been at a standstill here for over an hour. This woman’s trapped in her car, but she’s joining in

Deafening screams of “Shame on You” outside Downing Street as the Black Lives Matter protest meets Westminster. Thousands are gathered back at Parliament Square and what looks like thousands more up at Trafalgar Square. @LBC

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