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Jun 4, 2020, 29 tweets

#NYCProtest Day 7: Thread - found a crowd marching up Lafayette,

Nora says she heard about a march near her and jumped on a city bike to find them. The rose, she says, is for the NYPD, for officers inside the department who want reform.

Extreme Do the Right Thing vibes.

Antother festive scene at Washington Square Park, several hundred marchers milling about here.

With a “soccer mom pit stop,” offering marchers water, fruit and first aid kits.

jumping around tonight, now at Union Square. Monica and her friend Nubia. Monica can’t remember how many Hours or days she’s been marching. Says she plans to break curfew for the first time tonight.

here’s the crowd.

Some take a knee for the national anthem.

Union square crew now on the move along 14th street.

Crowd chanting the names of black people killed by police.

the moment when two separate groups of marchers meet on 7th Avenue, crowd cheers joyously as they begin marching together, hundreds more just added to the numbers here.

Police walking alongside marchers as they turn onto 23rd street.

NYPD blocking 9th Avenue to the south, marchers turn north.

Marchers continue North.

Marchers pass an unmarked van, NYPD officers inside, a woman im walking with says officers jumped out of a similar van earlier this week and arrested a group she was with randomly.

Vibe is still celebratory.

Crowd takes a knee on 7th and west 34th

Activists are saying there’s a train station here if people want to go home, but police have blocked off the entrance to Penn Station.

Activist trying to convince police to stilop blocking entrance to subway so people can get home. NYPD officers won’t budge.

Other subway entrances are open, just LIRR entrance is blocked.

Music up, crowd continues north.

Police blocade on 42nd street, do not engage activists yell

And now it’s a party, still 100 percent peaceful, no police in site as they cross midtown

Crowd takes a rest in the middle of the intersection “cause it’s been a real long day,” Organzer says.

Police training group, they’ve been following for a while now, I ask one officer on a bike if they were going to make arrests, “did they throw anything at us? Peaceful protest,” with a shrug. Such different scenes than what’s playing out in Other places right now.

I peeled off from group, but reports of arrests in midtown, close to group I was trailing.

Ran into 3 members of Guardian Angles who are ending their patrol for the night. They said Manhattan was peaceful, no looting like nights earlier in the week.

Post curfew boarded up soho, an eerie site

NYPD barricade on Brooklyn Bridge, must show credentials of essential worker to pass.

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