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Jun 5, 2020, 9 tweets

I will take another look into this connection tonight. We still need to verify and confirm this is true or rule it out if not.

No need to spread Disinfo.

Thanks @99freemind for asking the right questions.

Okay so let's see here...

The Floyd/Chauvin restaurant/bar/building shows that it's owned by Omar Investments (OI).

OI CEO is Muna Sabri

Who works in the same building as the Hispanic Television Broadcasting Network (HTBN).

HBTN CEO Maya Santamaria

Muna Sabri related to Omar Sabri of Sabri Properties.

(These are Somalis)

Bassim OMAR Sabri is a convicted felon.

Not just any Somalis.

These are OMAR'S funders.

Applebaum is a bad mofo.

Now you know why a BLM protest just happened to burn this building to the ground.

Btw, to me, it looks like Somali linked Hamas supporters infiltrated Telemundo & La Raza.

There's a lot of smoke here but I'm still looking for flames.

This is also notable.

In my previous thread I asked if Maya was possibly Peruvian.

I don't think she is.

Appears she is from Mexico.

H/t @99freemind

Well I guess we can't rule out Peruvian connections completely since it just said she lived in Mexico.


The connection between Latin America and Hamas terrorism is well known.


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