Edmonton Against Fascism (archive) Profile picture
No promises of future activity, but I might see your messages and be able to respond.

Jun 5, 2020, 12 tweets


First event of the day. Probably close to one thousand people so far.

Oh, we got an 'all lives matter' sign.

Crowd keeps growing.

In solidarity with the US and, of course, in the struggle against the systemic oppression Canada is built on.

@MNUnitedAF @AntiFashGordon @ARCCollective @VestsCanada @antihateca

People are still filing in.

It was just announced that there are over 10,000 people here.

I have no idea how many people are here. I can't take a photo that could even begin to capture any of it.

Event is now wrapping up. Still hundreds of people.

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