This is just a RT account by now Profile picture
No longer pretending I’ll do anything with this account, but I’ll RT anything I like now. As usual, minors dni.

Jun 6, 2020, 38 tweets

Hi! I decided to do this MDZS AU because... why not?
This is the first time I do an AU like this, so please have patience with me. 😅
#SocialMediaAU #MDZ #MDZSAU #TheUntamed #TheUntamedAU #Wangxian

Modern University Social Media AU
Where the Jiang family and the Lan family are neighbors and childhood friends.
-LXC y JYL are best friends since kindergarten.
-LWJ and JC are the same age, WWX is a year older.

-WWX parents died when he was 4.
-WWX was adopted by the Jiangs at the age of 7.
-The two families organize meals and reunions all the time.
-LQR has always been the legal tutor of the Lan brothers.

-WWX is a third year art student. Bi disaster. Talks too much. 100% scholarship. In love with LWJ but doesn’t know it.
-LWJ is a second year law student. Gay disaster. In love with WWX since primary school. Can’t say no to WWX. Best friends with JC and JZX but won’t accept it.

2 Art Bros (and WWX)
-NHS studied two years of Economy fulfilling the wishes of his brother, but decided to follow his dreams. Hidden Brat. Gay af. One-sided crush with JC.
-WN soft boi. Cinnamon rol. Always hear everyones problems but never gets into problems himself.

3 Art Bros Pt2
-Mo XuanYu another soft boi. Gay disaster. Memelord. “Don’t get used to my hair color”. Extra AF. He started university a year later than the rest of his friends. One-sided crush with NHS.

4 “We’re just classmates” Bro squad. (And LWJ) (All 2nd year Law students)
-JC another bi disaster. Secretly overprotective baby brother. Hidden softy. One-sided crush with LXC
-JZX only not disastrous bi. In a happy relationship with JYL. Still a peacock.

5 “All the characters would be dead without us” Squad. (All in the last semester of Medicine)
-JYL best sister. An actual genius. Misses cooking. In a happy relationship.
-LXC everyones big bro. Has a toxic boyfriend. Gay af. Still has faith in humanity.

6 “All the characters would be dead without us” Pt2
-WQ powerful lesbian. Amazing. Will fight you. Don’t hurt his brother.
-XXC soft but wise. Voice of reason. “Dad friend”. Doesn’t understand sarcasm. In a relationship with SL.

-SL also a Medical student. BF material. Madly in love.
-XY Law student. Same year as LWJ and the rest. Met WWX after going for a school project to JC house and fell in love. Asked WWX to give him particular art clases. Foster kid. Needs help. An actual disaster. Craves love.

8 “we’re just classmates” squad is best squad.

9 Wei WuXian likes to 🥺🥺🥺 to Lan Zhan. He loves to play dramatic but he actually needs reassurance on the inside.

10 Lan Zhan can’t say no to Wei Ying.

11 Did I just proyect my quarantine cravings into this? The answer is yes.

12 Strawberry one is Xue Yang’s.

13 Xue Yang is making his move.

14 Xue Yang: What a coincidence! I obviously didn’t know because is not like I always stalk you in social media or something like that. 😱🤷🏻

15 A-Cheng is not happy.


17 so that happened.

18 is he?

19 “friends”.



22. Zixuan will never admit writing that last message.


24. Oh no he didn’t.


26. Baby is mad. :(

27. He’s missing...

28. Wei cinnamonrollprotector WuXian.

29. Voice of reason.

30. Friendly reminder that English is not my first language so if you see any mistake, I am sorry and please let me know so I can improve. 😌





35. Wei big bro WuXian.

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