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Fucked up... Brutally fucked up... Ruining into nuts🙂

Jun 6, 2020, 9 tweets

Intestellar(2014) X Irandam ulagam (2013)

SBS Parallel comparison of #interstellar and #irandamulagam

A thread

Thread 1~

The ghost(so called) use morse code to bring Cooper to the secret launch pad..
The God in the exoplanet use the earthquake aftermath to bring Madhu to their planet

Thread 2~

Warm hole that placed near saturn by so called unknown...
Warm hole created in the mountain by the God

Thread 3~

Both Amelia brand and Madhu's Father quotes that "love is more powerful"

Thread 4~

The bulk being use the love between the Cooper and murph as a key to help the humans to leave the earth..

God use the love between Madhu and ramya to introduce love to their exoplanet( because of no love,they consider women only for pleasure)

Also there were no fruits and vegetables since there were no blossoming due to lack of love

Thread 5~

After the work done....... Copper was sent back to solar system
Madhu was sent to another exoplanet

Both #Christophernolen and #Selvaragavan used love as a subtext and denotation in their storytelling..

Geniuses for a Reason

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