Matt Carr Profile picture
Writer and journalist. No tolerance for liars, fanatics, racists, or fascists. Co-host of ‘Grim Up North’ podcast:

Jun 8, 2020, 6 tweets

While we’re on the subject of #thuggery let’s not forget this lot

Or the woman who described Boris Johnson era Bullingdon Club in the following terms

The same eyewitness also recalled

And then there was the man who went on to become our PM

And in case you think it was just youthful folly...

So when Johnson - who once called African children 'picanannies' with 'watermelon smiles' - uses words like 'thuggery' to detract attention from his calamitous failings & delegitimise anti-racist protests, cry 'Buller, Buller, Buller' and let slip the dogs of #Bullingdon

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