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The Treasury Select Committee is a cross-party group of MPs appointed by @HouseOfCommons to scrutinise @hmtreasury. RTs ≠ endorsements.

Jun 9, 2020, 8 tweets

This morning you can watch our evidence session live on the economic impact of #coronavirus.

We'll hear from @TorstenBell @PJTheEconomist @gemmatetlow and @Gilesyb.

📺Watch it live at 9.30am here:…

We're underway! Watch it live here:…

"Rough justice"

Paul Johnson from @TheIFS said that the Government's #coronavirus support schemes have seen some rough justice, with "some people doing really rather well and some being completely left out".

Has the Government's approach to business loans been right?

@Gilesyb from @instituteforgov said the Government has done "the right thing at astonishing speed".

But the speed at which #BounceBackLoans have gone out the door is a red flag as there is already talk of bad debt.

Witnesses have suggested the "income contingent repayment" of #coronavirus business loans.

As Paul Johnson from the IFS described it, it would be similar to repaying student loans - if you do well, you'll be asked to pay quite a lot back, if not, you won't.

Should the Government review the pensions triple lock?

@gemmatetlow said that it is a "fundamentally poorly designed policy".

.@TorstenBell told us that lower earners are bearing bigger economic and health risks. They're losing jobs, more likely to be furloughed, and more likely to be key workers facing ongoing risks.

.@TorstenBell said that rather than whether workers will return to offices, the big changes to the political economy coming out of the #coronavirus crisis will be dealing with unemployment and debating the size of tax rises over the first half of the decade.

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