Kevin Brennan MP Profile picture
@WelshLabour MP for Cardiff West & @CommonsDCMS Select Committee Member. Constituency casework can't be dealt with here please email

Jun 9, 2020, 6 tweets

Today in @CommonsDCMS we looked at the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the music industry with @WeAreTheMU's General Secretary, Horace Trubridge. Here's a short thread on some of the important issues discussed.

I asked him how the Covid-19 crisis has impacted the music industry. He tells me it has hit the livelihood of musicians and those working in the industry hard. He adds that more than 20% of people believe they will have to leave music and start a new career.

I asked him if the government support schemes have helped those in the music industry and if any people are falling between the gaps of help on offer. He tells me 40% of those in the music industry have found they don't qualify for any government help.

I asked him why artists today can't just rely on their recordings for income and need to perform live. He tells me there is fundamental problem with the relationship between artist, record label and streaming platforms with artists earning very little. #brokenrecord @MrTomGray

Finally I asked him about the implications on music venues, which were already closing at an alarming rate before the Covid-19 crisis. He tells me venues are vital in producing new music talent. The sector heavily relies on new British talent to keep the industry alive.

I think this might have been a first for @CommonsDCMS Committee - I had to declare that one of the witnesses, @WeAreTheMU's Horace Trubridge, had played saxophone on one of my records. @MP4RockBand

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