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Jun 13, 2020, 147 tweets

#yeonbin au where choi soobin dreams of a knight with hair of gold. he suddenly sees him in his reality as his new classmate, choi yeonjun. soobin had never met him before, unbeknownst to him that yeonjun had been awaiting soobin’s reincarnation for nearly 800 years.

•this is my first au and i’m unfunny pls bear with me
•loosely based off of a BL manga called “betrayal knows my name”
•friends to lovers, school life, fantasy
•socmed au but there will be heavy narrations too (esp for flashbacks!)
•pls just qrt! i hope u enjoy🥺

~ profiles ~

choi soobin
•incoming second year
•cute transfer student
•loves the stars and is an actual star (will be explained later on)
•reincarnation of yeonjun’s past lover who passed away 800 years ago
•has no recollection of his past life

choi yeonjun
•incoming third year
•immortal lover and protector of soobin in his past life
•loves dearly and wants nothing more than to see soobin again
•quite reserved, but very polite
•close friends with beomgyu, taehyun, and hueningkai

choi beomgyu
•incoming first year
•immortal soldier who helped protect soobin in his past life
•closest to yeonjun and cares for him deeply
•knows he’s good looking and he FLAUNTS it
•loud, fun, and caring soul

kang taehyun
•incoming first year
•immortal soldier and one of soobin’s closest friends in his past life
•second to yeonjun, was the most affected with soobin’s passing away
•mature and a great listener, so he acts as a mediator most of the time

huening kai
•incoming first year
•immortal soldier and protector of soobin in his past life
•the brightest person to be around
•is definitely the clingiest among the four
•loves his plushies (though not more than his friends)

[warning: heavy narration ahead!]

~prologue i/iii~ it’s the year 1220

~prologue ii/iii~
[tw// blood]
what went wrong

~prologue: iii/iii~
[tw// blood]
unbroken promises

1. morning

2. junnie’s just a little bit down :((

3. meanwhile...

4. the next day

5. 4 musketeers who have been with each other for WAY too long

6. hyuka might actually be the psychic

7. pre-psych class developments

8. and what they thought could never come true became a reality ✨

9. 800 years of waiting

10. soobin’s encounter

11. and panic

12. at the disco

13. don’t play bad pranks kids :((

14. new friends !!

15. lunch time~

16. destiny

17. fate

18. heart is full 💖 (sorry for the late upload! this update took a lot of trial and error 😔)

19. gyu’s declassified university survival guide

20. new friends who now follow each other on twitter!

21. thoughts

22. wise words from hyuka 💖

23. they have each other’s numbers now!!

24. to the dorms

25. afternoon walks and soobin’s thoughts ⛅️

26. on the way home

27. dinner invitations? yes

28. they’re neighbors!!

29. knives out

30. lunchtime chaos

31. beomjun catastrophe

32. cutting history classes and arcade light flashes

33. claw machines

34. rooftop lunches

35. weekend plans

36. betrayal (knows my name)

37. professor peg leg

38. tardy

39. we all have that (1) friend [reuploading coz the whole thread is messed up]

40. he made it 😔

41. arrived!

42. picnics [long narrations ahead!]

43. soobin is just thankful 💞

44. reminscing (very old) times

45. 💫talk

46. under the stars, you feel like home 💞✨

this is the end of this update! i’ll probably update every other day because these things take time :(( i hope you don’t mind. you can ask your questions (or scream at me) here!

47. night

48. group pic taken by the kind lady in the front

49. on the ride home

50. they were just leaning on each other but they’re a bunch of soft panicked gays 😔

51. awkward...

52. aaaaa.jpg

53. “like i have indigestion” 🤡

54. *in love noises*

55. meanwhile...

56. back in business

57. or not

58. friends 🥳

59. friends - bts.mp3

60. bubble fights 🧼

61. idiots (in love)

62. clean up

63. tonight (i wish i was your boy).mp4

64. flower boy

65. taehyun receives a message

66. we’re going out (not)

67. “it’s not a date” “it’s definitely a date”

68. new group chat

69. visitor

70. done for the day ☀️🌼

71. night walks [long narrations ahead!!]

72. almost

73. dinner

74. warm hands and warm hearts

75. lights

76. walking home

77. ☀️⭐️

and that’s it for this update!! writing this was a pleasure as always. i’m sorry for the lengthy narrations but idk how else to put it 😭. thank you once again for reading so far! please drop your feedback or your questions here! 💞

78. dreams [tw// talks about implied death, immortality]

79. people come and go, but memories are forever 💞 [tw// talks about death]

80. waking up

81. just a dream

82. a dream? or a memory?

83. what happened last weekend

84. forget-me-nots

85. “what if he doesn’t like me like that” 🤡🤡🤡

86. yes

87. yeonjunandsoobinhavebeenpiningforsolongitsdrivingthefriendscrazy

88. on love and loneliness

89. details

90. talking dreams✨

91. i like you i like you i like you

92. love 💓

and that’s the end of this update! updates might be a bit slower from here on out bc i’m busy with uni :<. thank you once again to everyone who’s reading this 💓 and if you have any questions or feedback pls drop them here 🥰

here’s the rest of the updates because twitter cut my thread 😔

[little note: the “turning” refers to when soobin’s power as a star fully manifests, so he can control starlight and its energy at will]

94. yeah cool, huh

95. yes

96. yeonana

97. what are the implications of telling your friend that you’re immortal?

98. embarassing friends embarassing friends

99. yeonana (2)

100. profile change (check locations 💞)
[happy 100th update! 🥺]

101. some of us are salty

102. day 3

103. cheesy

104. ice creaaaammm

105. hugs!

106. banana grape couple

107. love bug

108. hyuka has had enough

109. org applications

110. oop

111. perhaps yohan is the no.1 yeonbinist in this au

112. yeonjun richest k-idol despite only debuting last year

end of this update ✨ i’m really sorry for the long wait :(( the next couple of updates will rlly be filler episodes and just fun stuff💞✨. thank you so much again for reading, and drop your suggestions and feedback here 🥺

113. tw // mentions of drinking
college life

114. beomgyu channels his inner sharpay

115. 3 hyukas

116. drunk texts (?)

117. soobin’s mini breakdown

118. mean it

119. the next morning

120. surprise visit

121. breakfast

122. sober

123. meant it
[note: microcosm means “little world”, and in philosophy, it refers to the complexity of the human person (all the experiences, characteristics, and relationships) paralleling that of a universe.]

124. touch

125. shared tears and kisses
[note: i like comparing people to universes, each person and experience becomes a star or a planet that contributes to the wholeness of the system that is the person, hence why soobin considers himself a part of yeonjun’s galaxy.]

126. kiss delivery

interest check!! are you liking the pacing and the story itself so far? 🥺

anyway! this is the end of this update ✨ sorry for the long wait once again and thank you for sticking with this story 🥺. pls drop any questions and feedback for me here!

110.1 [i forgot to upload a few parts bc twt deleted my drafts 😔 but this is what takes place during student organization auditions, hence why they have the celebratory dinner later on~]

110.2 they all got in 🥳

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