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Jun 13, 2020, 10 tweets

8 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Technology

1. Apple launched a clothing line in 1986. It was described as a "train wreck" by others.

2. Samsung is a full time weapon manufacturer which uses the most up-to-date technology to support security.

3. Bluetooth was named after a King named King Harald Bluetooth. He united Norway and Denmark.

4. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, YouTube, Snapchat and WhatsApp are all banned in China.

5. 9 coding languages were invented by women.

6. Jeff Bezos originally named his e-commerce company (Amazon), Cadabra, short for Abracadabra, but dumped the idea after his lawyers mispronounced "Cadaver".

7. The first ever webpage, is still up!

8. For 20 years, the passwords for the U.S nuclear missiles was (wait for it) 00000000.

Watch Out For Part 2

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