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CEO @PinkNews Instagram:@benjamincohen Trustee: @HI_UK 👬: @DrAnthonyJames Was: @channel4news. Non-partisan, Jew, Live with #MS (He/Him)

Jun 13, 2020, 8 tweets

According to the Sunday Times, the government is going to ignore the responses to @theresa_may’s consultation on the Gender Recognition Act. If you are to read the article literally, there will be some method of policing anatomy inside public toilets. Madness

A reminder of what @theresa_may said at the #PinkNewsAwards in 2017- “being trans isn’t an illness and shouldn’t be treated as one”.

Is the government proposing that someone who has a GRC but has not had bottom surgery will not be able to use the toilet matching their legally recognised gender?

This is why I called on @theresa_may to bring forward her proposed changes before standing down as Prime Minister. She passionately argued for changing the law on gender recognition and it is upsetting that it didn’t happen while she was PM…

A reminder of @theresa_may’s powerful pledges at the #pinknewsawards 2017 ahead of the publication of the LGBT+ Action Plan

Another question on this: Is it proposed that a trans man who has had top surgery (but not bottom surgery) should use a female or a male toilet? You could solve this dilemma with gender-neutral facilities, but apparently they also want to end these? 🤷‍♀️

I will also add that I’ve been calling for an end to ‘gay cure therapy’ for years. But this is not a simple pledge that you can say to make the LGBT+ quiet down. It will involve wholesale regulation of all psychotherapists and counsellors, if it is real. That is complicated.

Here’s what I had to say to @EvanHD on @BBCNewsnight about this all a couple of years ago

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