West Wing Report Profile picture
Direct from the White House press room since 2008. Managed by Paul Brandus (see pinned tweet for his bio and contact info)

Jun 14, 2020, 8 tweets

The U.S. Army was founded this day in 1775 - when the Continental Congress authorized enlistment of riflemen to serve the United Colonies for one year. Happy 245th to the @USArmy #ArmyBirthday

This Day, 1922:
Warren Harding became the first president to be heard on the radio—and the first to install a radio in the White House. It signaled an evolutionary shift in how presidents communicated with Americans /1

Neither Harding nor his next two successors—Calvin Coolidge or Herbert Hoover—were very effective on radio; it took Franklin Roosevelt to leverage its vast power. This @cspan talk by WWR's Paul Brandus at the FDR Presidential Library explains why: c-span.org/video/?410339-…

This Day, 1946:
Donald Trump was born. The 45th president, he has served since 2017. Trump was 70 when he was sworn in; Reagan was 69, Harrison (William Henry) was 68. Oldest first-term POTUS America has ever had (more)

Three Presidents were born in the summer of 1946: Trump (June), Bush (W) (July) and Clinton (August). Still time for another baby boomer (born between 1946 and 1964) if voters are so inclined

This Day. 1948:
A 35-year old Navy veteran, WWII hero, Yale law school grad and star on two back-to-back undefeated Michigan NCAA championship football teams said he was running for Congress: Gerald R. Ford (birth name "Leslie Lynch King Jr.")

This Day, 1954:
Dwight Eisenhower signed a bill adding “under God” to the Pledge of Allegiance. Critics said it blurred the line between church and state.

Today is Flag Day - long may Old Glory wave

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