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Raconteur 👨‍💻 with @timesofindia | ❤️ r 4 archives | 📬 4 🎥 & 📷 credit | Views are personal so as account

Jun 15, 2020, 7 tweets

A family of 6 was confined over allegation of theft, & brutally tortured since Friday night by a local RO plant owner in Shahganj area of Agra. Two teenage members of the family were given electric shock, their skin was burned with cigarette butts, punched on face multiple times

Kicked in gut, & whipped lashes. The two teenage brothers worked at the RO plant. The alleged theft occurred around Eid --May 25, but the RO owner and his family members, instead of letting police investigate the matter, treated the family in worst inhumane possible.

They slapped and kicked two women of the family as well. All were kept without water and food till Sunday morning, till dial 112 police came to rescue the family on tip off.

The trauma did not stop here for the family, the Shahganj SHO Satyendra Singh Raghav refused to file FIR, citing that family members of the victim are illiterate and cannot write their complaint. The mother of 2 teenagers alleged, that SHO took bribe of Rs 50,000 from the accused

men and did not take any action and set them free. On Monday, after SP city Rohan Botre intervention, the SHO filed FIR. SP city claimed, that SHO is not worth enough to be officer.

The family was rescued by dial 112 team.


According to @agrapolice four men have been arrested .

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