Saket Gokhale MP Profile picture
Member of Parliament - Rajya Sabha | 2nd youngest MP in RS | National Spokesperson - All India Trinamool Congress (TMC)

Jun 22, 2020, 7 tweets

I've filed a case against BJP's Kapil Mishra for falsifying his election affidavit in the Delhi polls.

Earlier, Sec 125A RP Act complaint had to be filed in court directly.

But last week ECI made a landmark change in the procedure & will now be taking direct cognizance


In his Delhi Elections 2020 affidavit, Mishra stated under oath that the last financial year for which he had filed income tax returns was 2011-12.

This means that he claimed he hadn't filed Income Tax returns for about 8 years.

(See image)


But, strangely, in his Delhi Election 2015 affidavit, Mishra stated the last financial year for which he filed returns was 2013-14.

(See image)

So in 2020, his last filed return was for 2011-12.

But in 2015, his last filed return was for 2013-14.



This is a copy of the press note from last week (16th June) announcing the Election Commission's decision that it will now take cognizance of Sec 125A RP Act cases which earlier had to be filed in court.

An offense under this Act carries an imprisonment of 6 months.


Simultaneously, I shall be filing a case with the Income Tax Department to investigate whether Kapil Mishra has been filing his returns & to arrest him for failing to do so for 5-8 years.

This criminal escaped in the Delhi Pogrom case.

Will nail him here come what may.


PS: I’ve filed the complaint by post & it should be registered in a couple of days.

What I need from y’all is to build pressure on @ECISVEEP so that Kapil Mishra isn’t allowed to get away with this.

Desh ke gaddaron ko, jail bhejo saaron ko.

Update: The Election Commission of India has confirmed acknowledgment of receiving my complaint (copies of which I'd sent by email and fax along with post). 🙂

Kapil Mishra must go to jail.

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