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Jun 22, 2020, 6 tweets

Thread about the @ProstasiaInc organization.

Supports the sexual depiction of minors in drawings.

Lawful to have child-sex dolls.

Let's start publicly calling out their team.




Protasia Board of Directors.

"Nudist children have learned from the very beginning that nudity is normal"

Jeremy Malcom is a member of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum.

Advisory Council.

Dr. Gilian Tenbergen is an Asst. Professor of Psychology with @sunyoswego.

Dr. James Cantor is a clinical psychologist & neuroscientist.

His 60 Minutes interview: "Pedophiles don't want to act on vile urges."

Protasia Advisory Council.

Craig Harper, PhD is in the Dept. of Psychology, based at @TrentUni.

Protasia's blog offers "An intro to MAP (Minor Attracted Persons) Support Club.

Former Virtuous Pedophiles member named Ender Wiggin formed MAP Support Club

Protasia Advisory Council.

Protasia supports child sex doll usage.

Kyung Sin Park is a prof. at the Korea University School of Law.

Taught at @UCDavisLaw & @UCILaw

Protasia Advisory Council.

Protasia & drawings depicting child sex abuse.

Ira Mark Ellman is currently Dist. Affiliated Scholar, Center for the Study of Law & Society, @UCBerkeley, & Affiliated Faculty of the Berkeley Center for Child & Youth Policy.

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