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Jun 22, 2020, 10 tweets

So the "White Lives Matter" banner that was flown over the Burnley vs Manchester City game earlier this evening appears to have been towed by G-ENEA, a Cessna which is registered to Air Ads Ltd.

Finding this was actually a bit more difficult than I thought. Nothing came up on flight tracking sites.

However, the image from the Telegraph was clear enough to just about see the registration code, except I though the "E"'s were "C"'s, so I didn't get it right away.

I established it was a Cessna, probably a Cessna 206, which is a pretty common plane. Not going to be much help.

I figured this kind of banner and the skill required to fly it isn't common, so I checked air banner companies in the UK and compared their planes against the one seen in the @Telegraph picture.

The first company I checked had plenty of Facebook images showing a matching plane.

The livery and registration code are both clearly consistent.

Air Ads have just posted this to their Facebook page.

I suspect it may be dawning on them that they've made an extraordinarily bad decision.

Probably should have tried harder to find the flight track. @AramShabanian managed to find it on ADBS Exchange!

@AirAds2 have now deleted this video, about 15 mins after posting it.

aaand now their Facebook page is down.

But, thanks to the wonders of public archiving, you can find a copy of it here:

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