Stephanie Wolf Profile picture
Ex-ballerina. Public radio journalist. Arts & culture reporter @WFPLNews. 2021 Arthur F. Burns Fellow. Formerly @CPRNews. (she/her/hers)

Jun 23, 2020, 11 tweets

Good morning! I’m at the KY Exposition Center, Jefferson County’s only in-person polling site today. So far a steady flow of people and no lines.

Nore Ghibaudy with the county says he’s been here since 4 am, and a few hundred lined up to vote between 5:30 & 6 before they opened the doors. He says they were able to get them in and out pretty quickly.

I’ve spoken w/a few voters this AM. Shona Sondergeld got emotional talking abt the power of voting. Says, as a Black woman, she had to show up & vote for change. Showed off her “I Voted Today” wristband, “bragging rights.” Adds that it was easy to resolve absentee ballot issue.

Says she was able to speak w/someone bc she never got her absentee ballot and they resolved it quickly. Wasn’t sure if she could vote today since she had requested one. But it worked out.

Election official Gracie Taylor says she helped organize resources for people who might need mobility assistance in this huge venue. She’s recruited volunteers and got donated wheelchairs to be on site.

Downpour right now outside the polling site.

Still no lines.

US Senate Candidate Charles Booker was here.

Beth St. John drove down from New York after hearing about #AllEyesOnKentucky. She’s passing out snacks and hand sanitizer to voters.

Also follow WFPL’s @Grahambrose for updates this morning too!

Still a steady flow of people here. Things seem to have picked up a bit during the lunch hour. Poll workers tell me they anticipate a rush toward the end of the day. I’m heading out You can follow @JBernardBoyle & @RyanVanVelzer for more Primary Day updates from Jefferson County.

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