Legal Defense Fund Profile picture
America's premier civil rights law organization fighting for racial justice through litigation, advocacy, & public education. Established in 1940.

Jun 23, 2020, 6 tweets

TODAY at 1PM ET: Live #TIME100Talks with LDF President and Director-Counsel Sherrilyn Ifill (@Sifill_LDF).

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"Civil rights transformation is always incredibly difficult. It moves sometimes quickly, but when it does, it moves at a period when there are multiple platforms in which people are demanding change." --@Sifill_LDF #TIME100Talks

WATCH: @Sifill_LDF discusses the critical measures needed to reform our policing system.

"The most important piece is there are two elements: one is creating a true accountability regime...we also need to...reimagine who police are in our communities."

"I am very worried about our elections this year...The removal of [preclearance] has accounted for the explosion of voter suppression we've seen in the South and the metastasizing...of racial voter suppression--and now we see it across the country." #TIME100Talks

"[LDF] challenged onerous voting requirements in SC and AL. The whole point of absentee voting is that people want to do what the CDC said people should do: socially distance...litigation still remains a very important tool...and sometimes the only tool we have available to us."

.@Sifill_LDF breaks down how we root out systemic racism.

"We have a number of means of addressing systemic racism..the core civil rights statutes...were meant to address systemic racism...Every statute needs to be enforced and without enforcement, they're words on the paper."

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