Giridhar Profile picture
ಕನ್ನಡಿಗ Epidemiologist, Physician Scientist, Author, Global Health #COVID19: (He/him) Few RTs are endorsements

Jun 29, 2020, 5 tweets

Sharing some data for action in #Bengaluru and #Covid19Karnataka .

updated case fatality is provided here.

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Districtwise Case Fatality proportion in the state of Karnataka.
#Bengaluru #Covid19Karnataka .

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District-wise Deaths per million in the state of Karnataka.
#Bengaluru #Covid19Karnataka .

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District-wise Cases per million in the state of Karnataka.
#Bengaluru #Covid19Karnataka .
Udupi leads all the way, shows better testing followed by Yadgiri and Kalburgi.

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In three months, (from March 28 to June 28th)
1: R0 decreased from 1.50 to 1.02 by 0.48%
2. Doubling time has increased from 9.3 to 14 days.

Karnataka is still in control !
Need to expand testing, ramp up the process for triaging and real-time bed allocation for the needy.

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