@BoardingSoon 🌻 Profile picture
A globetrotter always looking forward to the next boarding call.

Jul 3, 2020, 9 tweets

It’s the last day of Egypt Week in #PhotoTravelMemory. Here’s a mishmash of wonderful moments/sights from the last three years. First, more from Nefertari’s tomb. /1

Temple of Karnak. /2

The St. George I, and sunrise on the Nile. /3

Pyramids with @PenlandKW and Alexandria. /4

The Temple of Philae. /5

Sakkara and the inside of a pyramid with a wall of carved alabaster. /6

Kom Ombo, statue of Horus and Tomb of Hatshepsut, the female pharaoh. /7

Handmade perfume bottles, Colossi of Memnon and Luxor Temple at sunset. /8

To finish off, treasures from Cairo museum, including Tutankhamen’s throne. I hope you enjoy this quick trip through my wonderful memories of Egypt. I can’t wait to go back for more. /9x

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