ًbeomjun au 📌 Profile picture
txt/tbz au writer // is back from being ia

Jul 4, 2020, 28 tweets

「 blue 」 — #beomjunau

idol choi yeonjun is having a hectic week due to his comeback promotion, but was forced to go to school. what will happen when the school's pretty boy choi beomgyu threw it back in front of the class' door and accidentally hit the idol?

might write this tomorrow aha


- stage name Daniel
- one of the most popular idol
- senior year (3rd year)
- chaotic but acts cool in school
- extremely confident gay, but never came out that he is gay to his fans


- is a model (signed to KMA)
- School's Official Flower Boy
- is also a tiktok star
- bi , but when he's in gay mode, he gay panic a lot
- 1/3 face of the school (i forgot to mention yeonjun is too)


- idol (signed to BigHit Ent just like yj)
- best friends with yeonjun
- first year
- smart af
- people tend to find him intimidating, but he's a whole sweetheart


- tiktok star
- third year
- school's president
- beomgyu's bestie
- neverending war with gyu
- is so smart but he's just too lazy to use his brain


- youtuber
- first year
- everyone loves him in school
- beomgyu and soobin's bestie
- is so adorable no one can hate him

correction ; theres only two face of the school im sorry lmao

also, please quote your thoughts while reading bc i really felt motivated if you do!


01. end of promotion

02. the fanwar between soobin and beomgyu wont stop

03. yes and no

04. sad news for huening

05. poor kai

06. tyun indeed has no mercy

07. oh well

08. taehyun posted

09. kai cheater

10. bet on tickets

11. duality

12. red code
#beomjunau #beomjun

okay thats it for today! cant promise when will i update but ill make sure to do it curiouscat.qa/beomsbae

omg hi i didnt know people will read this jejdjsjdj ill try to update tmr or before next week 🤩

YALL IM BACK HSHSHSSHH im thinking of continuing this but im still not sure :(( should i?

updating tomorrow !

13. the difference of chaoticness

14. welp

15. mr chanhee really did connected the dots

16. yeonjun = no mercy

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