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Fighting the fash in Corvallis, Oregon. Send tips to CVAntifa(a)riseup(.)net Member of @TorchAntifa ///CW///

Jul 4, 2020, 22 tweets


Huge thanks to everybody who stood against the fascist proud boys in Salem today.

We’re doing a megathread of the chuds who attended. If you took pictures of fash, please DM them to us.


In attendance was Patriot Prayer’s second favorite videographer, Bob West.

Bob is literal rapist. Anyone who stood on the PB’s side stood with this disgusting motherfucker.

Seattle PB Daniel Scott Lyons was in attendance.

He is most famous for destroying a memorial for COVID victims in Seattle.

Kudos to @WABlackFlag for the article.…

Fashy congressional candidate Angela Roman of Keizer was there, and she was UPSET.

Proud Boy Kareem Patton was there in full boogaloo attire.

Proud Boy Carl Todd showed up and brought this horrendous flag.…

This clown was apparently saying the pledge of allegiance repeatedly on a megaphone all day.

He goes by Alexander Olympus on twitter. Anybody know more about him?

Anybody know the PB in the middle?

Here’s a better pic of him.

Geriatric piss lad Paul Davies is hiding in the back.…

The rally itself was promoted by proud boy and fascist state rep candidate, Daniel Tooze.

Let us know is you snapped a pic of him there!

Better shots of him in this video:

It seems the chuds were wearing blue today as well!

Here’s Zina Bodunov, a member of Oregon Wonen for trump.

She was also present at the #ReOpenOregon rally.

Check out our coverage here:…

Pausing this thread now. Please send us your pictures and let us know if you recognize anyone!

PB cars

Thanks to @bathtubhellrat for the deets on this guy.

This chump was sloppy drunk and screaming all day. Apparently he has a history to sexual violence.

Allen Puckett, a self described white nationalist street preacher was there.

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