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Jul 5, 2020, 13 tweets

Dr. Jin Youngsun, Professor Emerita at Korea Univ., was one of the keynote speakers at the BTS A Global Interdisciplinary Conference Project in Jan. this year!

She presented, 'The Future is Now, Planet Paik, BTS Universe.'

More info. below!
@BTS_twt #BTSResearch #NamJunePaik

Dr. Jin Youngsun, Professor Emerita at Korea University,

'The Future is Now, Planet Paik, BTS Universe'
📍BTS A Global Interdisciplinary Conference Project

@BTS_twt #BTSARMY #BTS #BTSResearch #NamJunePaik

Dr. Jin Youngsun, Professor Emerita at Korea University, is also the Author of Nam June Paik, a Global Artist.

Nam June Paik, is internationally recognized as the ​“Father of Video Art.”

@BTS_twt #BTSARMY #BTS #BTSResearch #NamJunePaik

"Nam June Paik was born in Korea. His work includes video sculptures, installations, performances, videotapes & television productions. He had a 🌍presence & influence, & his innovative art & visionary ideas continue to inspire a new generation of artists."

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch

At the conference, Dr. Jin Youngsun focused on making connections between artist Nam June Paik and BTS.

'The Future is Now, Planet Paik, BTS Universe'
📍BTS A Global Interdisciplinary Conference Project

📸@ResearchBTS @EnterDuration

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch #BTSARMY #BTSxKU

We can see a lot of influences from Nam June Paik's work in BTS.

The Not Today MV is one of them.

'The Future is Now, Planet Paik, BTS Universe'
📍BTS A Global Interdisciplinary Conference Project



Fake Love MV scene.

The Future is Now, Planet Paik, BTS Universe'
📍BTS A Global Interdisciplinary Conference Project



"Paik did not distinguish the universe where satellites float from the universe within our mind..." - @ysjin10

Serendipity MV

The Future is Now, Planet Paik, BTS Universe'
📍BTS A Global Interdisciplinary Conference Project


@BTS_twt #BTSResearch #BTSARMY #BTSxKU

"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, & he will tell you the truth ." - Oscar Wilde

Singularity MV

The Future is Now, Planet Paik, BTS Universe'
📍BTS A Global Interdisciplinary Conference Project


@BTS_twt #BTSResearch @ysjin10

"Nam June Paik presented the original ver. of Moon is the Oldest TV in 1965, which was 4 years before the first 🌕 landing by humans."

The Future is Now, Planet Paik, BTS Universe'
📍BTS A Global Interdisciplinary Conference Project


@BTS_twt #BTSResearch @ysjin10

<Video Fish> 1975, Nam June Paik

The Future is Now, Planet Paik, BTS Universe
📍BTS A Global Interdisciplinary Conference Project


@BTS_twt #BTSResearch @ysjin10 #BTSARMY #BTSxKU

Electronic Superhighway: Continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii
Nam June Paik
📍Smithsonian American Art Museum, 3rd Floor, East Wing

Did anyone see the inspiration?🧐👀💜

@BTS_twt #BTSResearch #NamJunePaik #BTSARMY #BTS @ResearchBTS

If you are interested in learning more about Nam June Paik, here are two links you may want to check out!

#BTSResearch #BTSARMY @BTS_twt

Research Paper:……

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