The Lost Words for Cumbria Profile picture
2019-2023. That’ll do. (Thanks everyone!). 2024: Decided I’d leave once the Tories had eaten themselves. Done and Busted. Now off to faff about on Instagrim.

Jul 5, 2020, 6 tweets

Glad I went out, as always (due to @DrAmirKhanGP advice).

Young birds learning the ropes.
Siskin acrobats.
Horse with a beard.
A tree that wanted to be a wood.

Look at this smart, young blue tit...and its harassed (homeschooling?) parent.

A little Sunday...THREAD

Young tree sparrows, goldfinches, blackbirds and more. Grumpy?-looking Greenfinch, perhaps thinking "SISKINS!"

Blue tit joined in the upside-down acrobatics and eating contest.

Headed to lovely woods, (it was always really about the local icecream maker, nearby @kimisgelato )

I like a nice bit of beckmickling on a Sunday morning.

The tree that's become a wood of its own.
And a tree that's known hard times.

Last pair of gloves?
Bramble beginning to flower, hiding a heron #thelostwords
And that horse with a beard.

I'd found odd things in the woods once.
Nothing bizarre to report today.
To the village for ice cream.

A plaque told of 'an auspicious and right gladsome event'. (Why don't we talk that any more?)

A bus stop turned book exchange.
Just what I'd been looking for.
Time well spent.

Back home to find a moth with a bald spot sleeping under the garage door.

Hope you've had a relaxing Sunday.
The sun's coming out tomorrow.

PS Of course I saw something odd in the wood...odd in the best possible way this time though.

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