Kirsten Han Profile picture
🇸🇬 Journalist, writer and activist. Champion of clauses. Author of The Singapore I Recognise: Essays on home, community and hope (Ethos Books, 2023)

Jul 6, 2020, 11 tweets

Just discovered the #CatsForRaeesahKhan hashtag (thanks @sharanvkaur for RTing it into my timeline) to support @RaeesahKhanwpsg and hopefully cheer her up.


Of course, I should begin by linking to my most successful Twitter thread in my history of tweeting: The Cats of Houtong


Hi @RaeesahKhanwpsg, this is my mother's cat, Kiki. This is an old photo; he's quite old now and has no teeth, but continues to live a good life. #CatsForRaeesahKhan

Met this cat in Thessaloniki, Greece. It was not very clever and when we offered it some food, it would headbutt and nuzzle it instead of eating it. But it got it in the end. #CatsForRaeesahKhan

This is our first baby, Houdini, on the day we first rescued him out of a drain. #CatsForRaeesahKhan

This is Houdini at the time of GE2015. #catsforraeesahkhan

Our second boy Saltire when he was about four months old. He's a little prince. #catsforraeesahkhan

Adult Houdini. Handsome like anything. #catsforraeesahkhan

Our third kid, Francis Begbie, who has his own hashtag #FrancisBegbieCat #catsforraeesahkhan

Adult Saltire is still a prince. #catsforraeesahkhan

Stay strong @RaeesahKhanwpsg! All these cats are cheering you on! Francis Begbie gives you pets! #catsforraeesahkhan

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