Tan Li Hau 🤔 Profile picture
👨🏻‍💻 🇲🇾 🥰 Sharing tips on Svelte, React, CSS 📝 Occasionally writes about one layer of abstraction below at https://t.co/dMg56WXWzG 💻 @sveltejs maintainer

Jul 7, 2020, 15 tweets

Been using @reactjs for years, here is how @sveltejs code is different from @reactjs

1️⃣ Stateless Component

2️⃣ Fragment

😍 You don't need a Fragment to group multiple elements in @sveltejs

3️⃣ Inline styles

🙆‍♂️ You can extend and manipulate the style object in @reactjs
🙅‍♂️ It's a bane to copy the styles from the DOM into the code after tweaking it in the browser devtools
😍 So much easier when you can just copy the inline styles from browser into your code.

4️⃣ className

🙅‍♂️ className instead of class somehow confuses new web devs that `className` is a html attribute (similarly, htmlFor 🙈)
😍 So much easier to conditionally add class names to element in @sveltejs

5️⃣ Expressions

📝 {} for embedding expressions in JSX
📝 {} for embedding data in @sveltejs template

😜 It's the same!

6️⃣ dangerouslySetInnerHtml

🙆‍♂️ It feels more dangerous in @reactjs to inline data as html
🙅‍♂️ Somehow you always need a element container to set innerHtml in @reactjs 😅
😍 You can insert HTML anywhere with {@\html}

7️⃣ ref

📝 in @reactjs, you use ref to get the reference of a DOM node / component instance
👉 ref.current to get the reference

📝 in @sveltejs, you use `bind:this` to bind the reference to a variable

8️⃣ props

📝 in @reactjs, functional component's props is passed in via arguments
📝 in @sveltejs, you use `export` to define props

🤔 in the example, Component has 2 props, `value` and `max`, and max has a default value of 5.

9️⃣ rest and spread props

📝 in @reactjs, you use rest destructuring `...` to get the rest of the props, and spread operator `...` to spread an object into props

📝 the rest of the props is available as the magic global `$$restProps`

1️⃣0️⃣ state

📝 @reactjs useState hook returns the state and a setter to sets the state
📝 in @sveltejs you declare a variable as the state, update the variable directly to update the state

1️⃣1️⃣ Derived state

📝 In @reactjs, you can have a state derived from another state, and if the operation is expensive, useMemo to memoise the operation

📝 In @sveltejs, you can reactively declare a variable, whose value will be reactively updated based on its dependency

1️⃣2️⃣ Logic - conditional rendering

📝 In @reactjs, you ternary expression or logical and (&&) short circuit to conditionally render elements
📝 In @sveltejs, you use the {#\if} logic block

1️⃣3️⃣ Logic - list rendering

📝 In @reactjs , you use .map over an array to repeat elements
📝 In @sveltejs , you use the {#\each} logic block

✨ you can object destructure items of the array easily

1️⃣4️⃣ Logic - list rendering

📝 In @reactjs, you add the key attribute in the mapped elements to help react identify which items have changed, added or removed
📝 in @sveltejs, you add a add a bracket (...) inside the {#\each} block

1️⃣5️⃣ Logic - asynchronous rendering

📝 In @reactjs, to asynchronously wait for a promise, to rendering loading state, and result / error state, you'll have to manage through states, or abstract them out into a custom hook
📝 In @sveltejs, you can manage them through {#\await}

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