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Jul 7, 2020, 7 tweets

I just received this mailer for a candidate running for Oakland County Circuit Judge. It’s terribly designed. A quick thread to show why. 1/6

Let’s start with the concept of trying to get voters to think about a “four letter word” when they think of judges. This feels out of touch with the vast majority of people who rate judges higher on trust than most professions, and significantly more than lawyers. 2/6

But why would you start a conversation with voters by trying to connect the negative phrase “four letter word” as a descriptor for yourself in relation to the position you’re seeking? 3/6

Also, redheads might be “so hot right now” but the expression of the actor in the stock image for “thoughtful young woman doing a crossword puzzle in a newspaper looking off to the side” isn’t pensive, it’s demonic. She looks like a serial killer plotting her next move. 4/6

It isn’t until I flip the mailer over that I finally think I understand where the candidate is going with the whole “four letter word” thing. Is it because @ClarenceMDass has “ass” in his name? If it is, it’s barely punny, and certainly not funny. 5/6

Most importantly, has anyone told the candidate that “Ass” is three letters, not four? But, it absolutely is a great description of what this mailer makes its designer look like. 6/6 #badvertising

One additional item I missed: https://t.co/z0SMvDEqRo

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