Treasury Committee Profile picture
The Treasury Select Committee is a cross-party group of MPs appointed by @HouseOfCommons to scrutinise @hmtreasury. RTs ≠ endorsements.

Jul 8, 2020, 8 tweets

🚨One hour to go until our evidence session on managing the economic recovery from #coronavirus: consumers and infrastructure.

We'll hear from @hamishlow_econ
and @brosewell.

📺Watch it live at 15:30 here 👇…

Our session on managing the economic recovery from #coronavirus is underway.

Witnesses are @hamishlow_econ @nickmacpherson2 and @brosewell.

📺Watch it live here 👇…

"This Government has yet to take a difficult decision on public spending."

@nickmacpherson2 said that the Govt has "kind of got away with it", talking about the #SummerStatement.

He added that autumn is the sensible time for when HMT should set out its consolidation plan.

In response to questions from @hbaldwin, @brosewell told us that a "monster" has been created in the planning process.

Responding to questions from @ab4scambs, @nickmacpherson2 said Stamp Duty is a "tax on mobility".

@hamishlow_econ agreed, saying that it reduces labour market flexibility.

.@rushanaraali asked which groups have been hit the hardest by the #coronavirus crisis?

@hamishlow_econ said:

- Single mothers
- Bottom and second bottom income quintile
- Ethnic minority groups are more likely to be made unemployed rather than furloughed

In response to questions from @angelaeagle, @hamishlow_econ said he disagreed with the Government supporting businesses that may go bust. Instead, "we should focus on supporting people rather than industries."

And that's it! You can watch our evidence session on demand here:…

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