Sarah Blake Morgan Profile picture
Journalist & Soldier. Just not at the same time. Formerly @AP - now freelance. Mrs. @NickOchsnerWBTV. #MMJane creator. 8x Emmy loser. Aspiring Arabic speaker.

Jul 11, 2020, 5 tweets

THREAD: A day late - but wanted to share the stories of the 12 @82ndABNDiv paratroopers inducted into the #AllAmerican Hall of Fame at @FtBraggNC this week. 1/13

SFC Obie Wickersham served in WWII where he was injured during the Battle of the Bulge. Wickersham chose to continue fighting on the front lines - despite a chance to move back. Years later, he was taken prisoner during the Korean War and spent 2.5 years in captivity. 2/13

In 1918, Captain William Cunningham continued to push his men through a WWI battle after being severely wounded in the face by shrapnel. He earned the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions in France. 3/13

Col. Julian Cook’s third combat jump was the storied Operation Market-Garden in 1944. His leadership later helped capture the town of Herresbach, taking down 100 German soldiers and capturing 180 more. Not a single paratrooper life was lost that day. 4/13

As a chaplain during WWII, Col. Delbert Kuelh ministered to wounded and dying soldiers. But his heroic actions also rescued stranded paratroopers in Sicily when he secured a Jeep under enemy fire and returned them to the fight. 5/13

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