Joe F Spaulding 🦉 Profile picture
petitionin' ain't easy, don't be sleazy | helped launch @distillsocial and @notpoliticians | political consultant 🇺🇸 he/him/his 🇲🇽 |

Jul 11, 2020, 8 tweets

The echo of "states rights" sounds like "local control" at the city and county level and "neighborhood character" when you get down to individual blocks.

It's always about white people abusing democracy to mark the territory of their privilege when it comes to government access.

"Neighborhood character" and "historic preservation" are often used pretty interchangeably for this purpose. The latter is the NIMBY dream state of locking an area in amber and locking out outside as well as future influence.

Remember, segregationists during Jim Crow didn't care very much about whether or not segregation was happening the next state over, compared to how much they cared about segregation happening in their neighborhood. That's why it could be about states rights to them.

If you don't see the connection of states rights rhetoric to local neo-segregationist politics in "progressive" cities like @cityofpaloalto or Ann Arbor or Boulder, listen to one from @Apple's hometown scream the quiet part out loud like he's trying to give us tinnitus:

Almost 1/3 of a million Hispanic people live in San Jose, which is just under 30% of the population. Cupertino has fewer than 1% as many which is about 10 times less as a percentage of the population.

This is racist in exactly the same way as Donald Trump...

It goes from locking kids in cages at the border to locking suburbs off from building enough housing for frontline service workers they pretend to care so much about in "progressive" cities. Ann Arbor Council Member Hayner, Trump & Cupertino Mayor Scharf have the same end goal.

And this is what that goal looks like:

@threadreaderapp, unroll, please.

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