Alec Muffett Profile picture
everybody deserves good security. see also:

Jul 12, 2020, 8 tweets

So if a kid in Darlington whose parent is on benefits, downloads @torproject to access non-AV pornography outside the UK, the household should be stripped of computers, tablets, phones, and "digitally shunned" with no access to services?

Oh wait, @MatthewPFirth deleted it:

Someone must have had a word with @MatthewPFirth because a lot of his tweets have suddenly gone missing?

Fortunately I have screenshots of practically everything.


In the circumstances, this is deeply ironic, no? /cc @SpeechUnion

Wow, Matthew is still at it...

If you have: @Gibbo4Darlo, @DehennaDavison, @JacobYoungMP, @PaulHowellMP and @Matt_VickersMP as MPs, could you please point out that Darlington vicar @MatthewPFirth is literally calling for Chinese-style censorship & impoundment of domestic computers, to enforce #AgeVerification?

The opinions of the Reverend Matthew P Firth, continue:

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