The Lost Words for Cumbria Profile picture
2019-2023. That’ll do. (Thanks everyone!). 2024: Decided I’d leave once the Tories had eaten themselves. Done and Busted. Now off to faff about on Instagrim.

Jul 12, 2020, 5 tweets

#wildflowerhour @wildflower_hour
I’m not getting tangled up in #arableweeds aggro with any angry (or happy!) botanists.
Have a look, suit yourself.
I had a lovely time on the roadside (M6, junction 38).

Red clover + six-spot burnet moth (near & far)
BIG ? #wildflowerID

More roadside/traveller’s joy
Knapweed queuing for the phone on A6, the verge itself and ringlets plus motorway junction cranesbill on M6

Swaledale meadows - just ahead of the crinkle cut (over the wall)...between Muker and Ivelet.
All sorts - woods cranesbill, eyebright, unbowed-as-yet melancholy thistles, harebell, yellow rattle gone to seed...

#wildflowerhour @wildflower_hour @ydmt @yorkshire_dales

Bordering between Cumbria and Yorkshire at different points of the day, on @CliffordEstates Lady Anne’s Way, Mallerstang.

Roadside, railside (common 🦋), pathside, riverside flowers...

#wildflowerhour @wildflower_hour @CraigBennett3

Wet stuff...

Yellow loosestrife in Mallerstang, roadside
Bog asphodel in The Lakes, fellside

#wildflowerID something up on very soggy crags...about 650m.

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