‎ًsunkyu au Profile picture

Jul 14, 2020, 78 tweets

a #minsung au where minho and jisung use a time machine to go to the future for fun, and what they didn't expect is a kid running to them yelling "dada! papa!"

plot from a prompt generator !! (thanku prompts dot neocities dot org i owe u this)

profiles 🥀 lee minho and his priv

profiles 🥀 han jisung and his priv

🥀 start now!!
🥀 timestamps irrelevant unless stated
🥀 there will be narrations!!
🥀 please dont be ghost readers :( i like reading your thoughts through qrts or ccs hehe
🥀 like if you're reading ):
🥀 PLS leave a side ship you prefer on my cc curiouscat.qa/flashcity

🥀 kim seungmin, minho's ex husband slash confidant
🥀 hwang hyunjin, jisung's eternal frenemy

profiles 🥀 the rest of the Friends. gc; chan, changbin, felix, jeongin

🥀 they're all in the same friend group!!
🥀 all of them are in uni, feel free to imagine their majors lol
🥀 no honorifics
🥀 minsung are housemates since they started uni, but they were best friends even before that

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009 🥀 haha remember im uncreative and cant edit for shit okay? okay

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018 🥀 read tweets bottom to top

019 🥀 inserting seungbin just because i can 😼

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021 🥀 read tweets top to bottom haha

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039 🥀 whys this app so ugIy i cri

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069 🥀 dhajjxjsjd 😭😭

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