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Changing the face of trusteeship

Jul 14, 2020, 12 tweets

"I want to open the door for other people with my experiences to join a charity and make a real difference to people’s lives."

@anbreen_bi shares her powerful story of becoming a trustee for @fastn_org.…

Anbreen was the first person in her family to go to university. And she didn't always feel like she fitted in:

"There weren’t many people of my background – working class, BAME, having grown up relying on benefits."

"But I had family and friends just a call away."

Anbreen's close connection with her family & friends shows the power of relationships to get us through tough times.

So when Anbreen came across @fastn_org - a charity which believes that investing in healthy, dependable and nurturing relationships from an early age can help people thrive throughout life - it was a meeting of minds!

As a @fastn_org trustee, she's helping so many other people benefit from strong, healthy family relationships.

She says, relationships are about "being open with people you trust, not being judgemental, but listening, respecting each other and offering reciprocal support."

She's excited to learn more about "finance, governance & build on existing skills like communication & teamwork that will support me in my future career."

But she's also passionate about giving back.

"More than anything", she says, "I want to open the door for other people with my experiences to join a charity and make a real difference to people’s lives."

Anbreen is a truly remarkable person who has achieved so much!

But you know what shouldn't be remarkable?

The fact that she became a charity trustee despite being a young woman of colour.

But it is remarkable.

@anbreen_bi points out:
Just 3% of charity trustees are under 30
Just 8% are from Black & Asian backgrounds
Just 2.9% are women of colour.

Charity boards MUST do better.

Anbreen isn't the only brilliant young woman of colour who can help a charity achieve success.

There are countless more amazing young people who are talented, passionate & ready to lead.

Charities just need to look for them!

We need a #BoardRevolution so that charity boards everywhere are diverse, just & inclusive.

Will you join us?

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