EdoZamboni Profile picture
Trying to see the forest and the trees.

Jul 15, 2020, 7 tweets

First time this morning that we encounter this late clutch of eight #Mallard #ducklings at the Boating Lake at Ally Park @FriendsAllyPark @AllyPallyWatch @birdingetc

6 days later, 2 #Mallard #ducklings lost to the cosmos. Among the 6 remaining, the 1 whose down is quite more yellow than the rest of siblings'. At the Boating Lake in Alexandra Park @FriendsAllyPark

These 6 #Mallard #ducklings keep on getting bigger. I think they must be 3 weeks old or so by now.

@birdingetc: is the more yellow duckling a sign of hybrid wild/domestic breeding?


These #mallard #ducklings at the Boating Lake at #AlexandraPark must be 4 weeks old (ish) by now. Proper teenagers with great appetites and attitudes.
Lovely to see them grow.


Our #mallard #duckling tracker marks the 5th week of life of the 6 remaining members of this brood, now roughly 3/4 the size of their Mum.
Staying strong, at the Boating Lake at #AlexandraPark! 🦆💪🏼

@RSPBbirders @RSPBNELondonGrp

6-7 wks old now. They've got so large, but they're still keeping close to Mum and still making that soft whistling sound when they feed.
I expect they'll fledge in the next 10 days.

(Background squeak is a juvenile moorhen's.)

@BBCSpringwatch @FriendsAllyPark #AlexandraPark

About 8 weeks old now these #mallard #ducklings.
They must be close to fledging but the moment hasn't come yet. Mum's still keeping close.

At the Boating Lake at #AlexandraPark this afternoon.

@FriendsAllyPark @WildLondon @Natures_Voice @RSPBNELondonGrp @LondonNPC

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