t.geiger Profile picture
Perpetual neophyte

Jul 20, 2020, 14 tweets

I can't find the "pick up" in inflation expectations? Looks more like a credit bull market to me.

Will break up to 0.25% yield today?

Demand is still strong. Not the curves of an economy with growth prospects.

A lift in rates are smoothing out the dip in the Eurodollar curve.

Curve update... Eurodollar curve is improving, however the kink in the curve over the next 3 yrs is curious.

Not much change in the shapes of the curves; spreads look to be steepening. Although not holding highs, they're not plumbing new depths either.

2-10s back below 20ma,5-30s just above. Otherwise, little change. Oil is in contango, implying weak sales demand. #markets #ZF_F

#CL_F in contango implying weak sales demand. #markets

Loans down, (up w/w slightly), deposits up, banks buying treasuries. #markets #ZF_F

9.17 Currency in circulation - wkly avg

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