Prof Ryan Profile picture
Activist. @mylifemychoice1.…. @LearningMet MMU. Dr Dr she/her.

Jul 20, 2020, 15 tweets

Back to filing old docs. There are some howlers hanging about from 2015. The Verita report that absolved the Trust of any wrongdoing...

3 years later @Southern_NHSFT pleaded guilty in a criminal prosecution brought by the @H_S_E and were fined £2m. Did @NHSEngland ask for a refund from @VeritaUK?

Mind you. Some good stuff too... Was this New Zealand @k_runswick_cole ? ❤️

And so, so much more...

Oh my. And then @NHSEngland commissioned a review into the @MazarsGroup review. By the, er, @leder_team... Yes. Really.

We seriously do not like having our learning disability related dirty washing (history) aired in public in this country.

And for 'comedic' value (it really ain't funny) I give you the @Southern_NHSFT strategy refresh document.

I reckon you really ought to work out what a strategy is before you start going down the road of 'refreshing' it. #tossers

And then, more wondrousness. There always was more #JusticeforLB wondrousness.

And more Mazars meithering. "...any decision by NHS England to publish that report in its current form." Sweet cheesus, such monstrosity.

The Trust even commissioned their own review of the review... This report was not to see the light of day at any cost (or billy bullshite).

"A less than credible report serves the interests of no one", spluttered the then @Southern_NHSFT CEO of the year.

Prof Mohammed was tasked with reviewing p169-178 of the review in a dubiously selective task any academic with integrity would have knocked right back.

Bearing in mind this is the second 'independent' review of the independent review which generated scandalous findings.

Finishing the filing task for tonight. Thank you for your patience... Still in 2015 but slowly getting through it.

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