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Jul 21, 2020, 16 tweets

M.A.S.S. Builder is currently on the frontpage of Steam (and 20% off!).…

I super recommend you all hop on this! And give the developer @VermillionDev a follow as well!

A thread on why you should care follows!...

MASS Builder (@massbuildergame) is a super cool mecha action game with incredibly robust mecha customization options, made by @VermillionDev, a highly passionate group of Thai indie game developers making their dream game!…

The gameplay is fast and furious, with really solid animation. But where the game truly sets itself apart is the insane depth of its mecha customization system! The developers wanted to make a game that captures the satisfaction of building #gunpla!…

If you love mecha anime, and especially if you love collecting and building mecha model kits, this is the game for you! ESPECIALLY if you love kitbashing!…

Much like high end model kits, the mecha in @MASSbuildergamehave a highly articulated skeletal frame as a base. From there, you have 38 (THIRTY EIGHT!) different armor slots to customize your mecha however you like!…

And of course you can paint your mecha whatever color you like as well! There's even incredibly robust options for adding camo and decals!…

MASS Builder (@massbuildergame) also features a wide variety of weapons and combat styles for your mecha!…

And of course, you can customize your weapons as well!…

The developers are also working hard to ensure that the enemies in the game are interesting. They're doing some amazing stuff with the rigs and animation!

The new armor sets that @VermillionDev have been making for the game are stellar too!…

Head on over to @VermillionDev's account to see what awesome custom mecha people have been making in MASS Builder!

The game is still in Early Access, but folks are already making some RAD custom mecha!

Glad to see the game is gaining traction among Japanese mecha fans too!

It's really personally important to me that @massbuildergame reaches as many people as possible. The developers are awesome folks, pouring their hearts (and personal life savings!) into their dream game. Lets make sure their big bet on themselves pays off!…

The Thai indie game dev scene is still in its fledgling state. Thai developers historically don't have much reach globally (or nationally for that matter!). So if you think @massbuildergame looks rad, PLEASE give it a signal boost! Every little bit helps!…

If you're in the games press and truly care about diversity in games, I highly recommend you reach out to @VermillionDev. They are a great group of folks from outside of the Anglosphere, with an inspiring story and an incredible game!

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