Prof Ryan Profile picture
Activist. @mylifemychoice1.…. @LearningMet MMU. Dr Dr she/her.

Jul 21, 2020, 7 tweets

Some old photies to be filed. That trip to Madame Tussauds...

And visiting @Jeremy_Hunt. Back in the day. Sigh. @DebatINQUEST

And what...? Christ, these evening file sortings are a rollercoaster ride of brilliance and the unimaginable with everything in between.

And then this...

@auntyfrances ❤️

As ever, #JusticeforLB came back to humour... (sorry, I can't remember who the artist is.) @Edelharris @mencap_charity

Love is seriously winning tonight and my heart is melting. It was always about Chunky Stan. [@RoyalMail How? And thank you ❤️]

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